7 Things That Negatively Impact Mental Focus

Stress: Stress is our bodies way of responding to danger. It’s also a culprit on almost every ailment and issues list.  Constant mental and/or physical stress can weaken our bodies immune system. When we get stressed out our body goes into fight or flight mode. Naturally, a little stress here and there is inevitable but too much stress for too long starts having a negative effect on us. It can be hard to think, focus, concentrate or remember things during stressful times.

Depression: Depression is a struggle all on its own. It affects different people differently. Some of the common signs of depression are sleeping problems (too much or not enough), lack of focus, and trouble concentrating.

Overworked/Tired: Not getting enough sleep can be destructive to your entire body system. Our body does a lot of healing magic while we rest and especially while we sleep. Without proper sleep, it’s as if our body never fully recuperates or regenerates. Our immune system gets low, our regular mental functions are interrupted, and we become emotional balls of grumpy humans.

Too Much Technology: Don’t get me wrong, I enjoy technology and appreciate the tools. Electricity sends off vibrations and frequencies which effects our mind and body. We get pings, notifications, updates, emails, and instant messaging all throughout the day. These are constant distractions that we allow ourselves.

Improper Diet:  Too much trash and not enough treasure in your diet can lead to various health issues. Without the right vitamins and minerals, our mind and body begin to get foggy and tired. Lack of focus and concentration is one set of issues on a pretty lengthy list.

A Lack of Self-discipline: Not having enough or any self-discipline always leads to some sort of undesirable issue. In order for us to be able to have someone else’s back, we must also be able to have our own. Sometimes it’s hard to stay focused on getting an essay or article completed. Especially, if we don’t have the discipline to keep ourselves on track.

Drugs/Alcohol: Being under the influence of drugs or alcohol can cause distractions. Constant use of either break down the body and mind. It usually progresses slowly. No focus, forgetfulness, lack of concentration, and physical health issues are all side-effects of drugs and alcohol.

Improving Your Focus

Make Lists: I don't just mean a shopping list although those are good too. I personally use lists all the time. I write lists for things I generally have trouble focusing on or remembering. Short-term and long-term lists help keep your eye on the prize. Sometimes seeing it in black ink on white paper helps to program your brain causing you to naturally have that focus.
Physical Exercise: A 10-40 minute workout done every day can improve focus and mental concentration. It pumps our blood and helps oxygen circulate which in turn, helps clear the mind and helps us focus. Our mind and body work together and they both need exercise in order to remain healthy.
Herbs: Gotu Kola, Ginkgo Biloba, Rosemary, and Ginseng are all brain aiding herbs. Herbs that increase circulation help boost the brain, can improve memory, reduce inflammation, and provide mental clarity. You can take the supplements, add the herbs to your meals, make smoothies, and herbal teas.
Cut Back On Distractions: Phone, computer, tv, radio, and any other distractions should be set aside or shut off. Eliminate all distractions within your control for at least an hour a day. Just be, create, exist, and think. You might notice a difference.

For those of you that had a little trouble focusing on this article here’s a little recap.

Party Less – Chill More

Stress Less – Chill More

Work Less – Chill More

Junk Food Less – Healthy Food More

Interwebs & Tv Less – Use Your Brain/Relax Your Brain More


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