Home Society Joe Biden 2020 Announcement: We’re Just as Unimpressed as You Are

Joe Biden 2020 Announcement: We’re Just as Unimpressed as You Are


Former Vice President Joe Biden announces that he will enter this 2020 presidential race via a campaign video last Thursday. Biden describes the basis of his campaign to be focused on “Saving the Soul of America.” Specifically waging opposition to the President of the United States, who he pointedly says is the lead voice in promoting hate, division and racism in our country. He has carried this message strongly over the past year since the events that transpired in Charlottesville.

In his claim to salvage the morality of the country, we are still without any actual plans for his administration and policies that will impact economy, and promote more bipartisan approval over social issues. The voters are left with many questions when deliberating his ability to respond to the effects of the Trump administration and facing the future of this country.

Biden, currently as a democratic candidate has not yet compelled the American people of his competency to carry this nation into the next generation with him at the forefront. Especially with the impression that his capability to plan for the American policy relies on the nostalgia of his 8 years in higher office as Obama’s running mate. Allowing that to be the only testament towards his experience in affecting change and policy building, while ignoring his earlier 36 years in politics is somewhat unsettling when taking on such a tall order.

Voters may are now asking, where is Obama’s endorsement? With the Obama years having such weighty in this campaign, and Obama being one of the most popular democratic figures of our time, his endorsement was very sought after. Biden has recently stated that he has asked Obama not to endorse. But after days of the public looking for it and Obama not coming forth with one, could this be an attempt in looking to protect the optics of the campaign and embolden Biden as a man who wishes to win on the strength of his own back?

The final question analysts are asking is, will Biden survive this crowded contemporary Democratic Primary and win the seat for Democratic candidate of the 2020 Presidential election? Biden has some appeal with Middle class, blue collar white voters. But will he be able to flip the so called Obama blue belt back to blue post Trump administration? With a focus on his attempt to correct the division in this country, the elephant in the room is race. Racism that was cultivated by a troubled deep rooted history that is embedded in the fabric and foundation of this country.


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