Home Life 5 Predictions for Game of Thrones Episode 5

5 Predictions for Game of Thrones Episode 5


Predictions for Episode 5

This week’s episode made heads roll. We began with grieving the losses of those lost in the war with the dead. Then that night, a celebration of victory begins and ends with lots of lust, love, and strange proposals. Queen Daenerys waisted no time before sailing off to kings landing as preparations for the Great War against Cersei begins. Sansa once again gives great advice about holding off but no one listens.

Cersei is back and more evil than ever. Euron Greyjoy won the first battle of the war and took out a dragon, severely decreasing Dany’s military might. Then Cersei follows up and kills the handmaiden of the Dragon Queen. It’s time for the winners of Winterfell to make a move.

We saw a good fight in episode 3, but I believe episode 5 will be one of the greatest battles we will see in GOT.

I saw an interview with Emilia Clarke, the actress who plays Dany, and she said next week’s war is better than episode 3. So with my first prediction being co-signed, let’s make some more predictions for the future.


Game Of Thrones, The End Days:

1. Daenerys becomes the Mad Queen.

I have a feeling this last stunt of Cersei’s is going to be the last straw for any bit of mercy Dany has left. All season we have seen her become more hungry with power, and less open to emotion. Losing Missandei so violently like that looked like it changed something inside her and her facial expression at the end showed it. Will she turn into a mad ruler like her father? Sir Jonah, Her Husband and human child, two of her dragons, and NOW her right-hand woman? No matter what happened to Daenerys up until now, she always prevailed, with grace. But the people who have been with her since the beginning are all gone. Who will tell her to relax? (Sidenote, my friends are convinced that history will repeat itself and Tyrion will be the one to kill Dany, just like his brother had to kill the Mad King). I personally think Sansa would be the one to do it or she will have Arya do it. But I also am not sure if anyone will kill her at all. She may just turn mad and win in the end, taking everyone else out before her. I also am keeping some faith that Jon Snow will somehow fix the whole thing. He has a habit of doing that.

    2. Greyworm unleashes his inner dragon.

We’ve seen glimpses of just how powerful Greyworm is, but next episode I think we are going to see just how ruthless the leader of the unsullied truly is. I think he will be the one person to co-sign Dany’s madness and kill women and children with no mercy if he has to. Much like Dany, losing Missandei was rough for Greyworm. She was a person of peace for them both and the person who always gave them positive advice. Her last words were telling them both to burn the city to the ground. I think Greyworm is going to unleash a new level of dragon on the red keep with his army behind him. He may die in the end, but I just KNOW he will go out with a bang like never before.

3. Someone will finally listen to Sansa.

So far Sansa’s advice has been unheard and looked over. This past episode she warned them to wait to leave for kings landing. She felt the troops needed time to recuperate and she was right. Not only did the dragons need time to heal, but the men did as well. If they had listened to Sansa and stayed in Winterfell, they would have had the advantage when Euron attacked. They also might have seen it coming and been able to defend themselves better. Maybe next episode, someone will finally listen to her advice and she will prove to be the wise leader we have all been watching emerge.

4. Cleganebowl.

This is the name fans have given the battle between the Hound Vs. the Mountain. I can’t say for sure it will happen in episode 5, but it has just got to happen at some point. The Hound announced to Sansa in episode 4 that he has unfinished business in King’s Landing that will make him happy. Is he talking about getting revenge on his brother? Or is it something else? Either way, this has been a battle we’ve been waiting for. I think if the Hound loses, Arya will avenge his death. The Mountain is still very high on her kill list, she may even get to him first and leave the kill to the Hound.

5. Euron will become less of a threat in this war.

Last episode we watched Euron kill a dragon and capture Missandei in a swift, easy win for him. He also found out that he has something to live for with his unborn child”. However, I think Euron’s ego-driven winning streak will come to a halt or at least slow down next episode. Euron will either be picked off during the war, or start to learn Cersei is playing him and fall back. After Tyrion tried to negotiate with Cersi while she held Missandei hostage, Tyrion told Cersi: “Surrender for your child” which left a look of confusion on Euron’s face who just found out about his “Child” moments before. Euron may still fight valiantly and lead his fleet to begin, but I think he will meet his downfall soon like all other obnoxious characters in the series. If he learns Cersei is lying about their child, he may try to kill her. Will Jamie come to her rescue? I guess we’ll have to wait and see….

Tune in on Sunday to watch it all unfold!


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